Monday, February 9, 2009

Dance a GoGo Savors Apples

No, we're not talking about the Apple MAC sensation of technology, we're talking about that famous piece of fruit.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

The Dance a GoGo hotties keep the doctor away every day by biting into an apple at snack time. 

It can be juicy red or vibrant green, an apple is an apple and it can store all of those nutrients you need and give you a hint of something sweet.

Apples have no fat, cholesterol, or sodium. Without taking vitamins every day, you can give yourself a small amount of potassium, help your blood pressure levels, and even help your weight. 

Apples have something called 'Flavanoids' in them. It's a fun word to say right? Flavanoid. Well, these flavanoids are defensive phytochemicals which scientific studies show to have antiviral, antiallergic, antiinflammatory, antitumor, and antioxidant activities. So, when you eat an apple a day, you're helping yourself in more ways than one. 

The simple apple is not so simple, it provides you with numerous nutrients and is a great substitute for those vending machine snacks. 

If you want to spice up your apple diet, you can mix the apples up with different recipes. Try slicing an apple and sprinkling the bits on a salad to add that necessary crunch. If you're feeling naughty, you can dip your apple slices into sweet jams or nutella, and peanut butter. Hey, with the peanut butter protein and nutrient filled apple, you'll be doing your taste buds and body a huge favor!

There's a reason why Snow White bit into that apple, she thought she was making a healthy choice in her day. So putting poisonous apples from evil queens aside, join the apple craze and eat an apple a day with the Dance a GoGo Hotties!

Scientific Reference:

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