Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dance a GoGo Substitutes Caffeine

Dance a GoGo wants to keep you in the best shape possible. This means... keep a healthy diet, work-out, and stay away from the number one addiction in the U.S. 

Coffee. Yes, we know it's a morning regular and you'd be willing to stand in line at your local coffee joint for that one cup of steaming energy. But the truth is, that energy is far from natural and eventually it fades, leaving your day in a slump and your mind with a headache. 

We propose a cup of tea, preferably non-caffeinated. It's good for the soul and healthy for the body. When you drink tea you're not stuck with that coffee breath. You have choices of flavors: from English Breakfast to Berry Sensation. 

The herbal teas can prevent sickness and ease your mind. Another up-side is... tea is usually $2 cheaper than your average mocha latte. So, you'll be preserving in more ways than one. You can even spice your tea up a little bit with a mint clove or a cinnamon stick, that way you have the sweetness your taste buds deserve. 

The Dance a GoGo hotties enjoy staying warm in the winter weather and healthy all year round. How do we do that? We substitute coffee for tea and our days are caffeine free and charged with organic energy. 

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